
What is Toner and Do You Need It?

What is Toner and Do You Need It?

The questions I get asked most when it comes to a personal skincare regime is "what is toner?" and "do I need it?", and these question have many answers. What is Toner? First of all, "Toner" can mean many different things. There are several different types of skincare...

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Why everyone should be doing chemical peels!

Chemical peels can sound scary. "Chemical?", " will my face be burned?", "how long will i peel?", "what will the peeling be like?". And of course a reference to Samantha from Sex in the City. Yup, you know that episode. These are all very good questions and the...

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Prejuvenation: What is it and Who Needs it?

Prejuvenation: What is it and Who Needs it?

 What is Prejuvenation? "The term 'Prejuvenation' has been coined to describe the increasing use of small, SUBTLE, less aggressive, minimally or non-invasive treatments and therapies to slow the appearance of aging in younger patients." -Dr. Joel Cohen Prejuvenation...

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Great skin isn’t just for the rich and famous!

I recently read an article that really made my blood boil. Here it is: As a long time Aesthetician, this sort of writing is infuriating. Many of us work very hard to make skin-care...

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Prevention is always easier than treatment!

  In a perfect world, everyone would start wearing sunscreen AND hats year-round in their teens and early 20's. 80% of skin aging is caused by chronic sun exposure, and by your 30's, 40's and definitely 50's, it really shows! UV rays not only cause redness and...

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3 Ways to Avoid A Halloween Skin Nightmare

Please check out this wonderful post by one of our favorite skin care lines! Meg 21 is all about stopping glycation in the skin. Glycation is the damage to proteins caused by sugar molecules and has become a buzzword amongst skincare experts, has long been a focus of...

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Colorado skincare for Fall, time to switch it up?

It's getting cooler, and DRYER! If you've lived here forever or even for just a little while, you know the change of seasons here in Colorado can be extreme. It's 96 degrees and sunny one day, 45 degrees and raining the next. Welcome to Fall in Colorado! It comes in...

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