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Prejuvenation: What is it and Who Needs it?

 What is Prejuvenation?

“The term ‘Prejuvenation’ has been coined to describe the increasing use of small, SUBTLE, less aggressive, minimally or non-invasive treatments and therapies to slow the appearance of aging in younger patients.”Dr. Joel Cohen

Prejuvenation is an increasing trend with Millenials, or Generation Y. (Born between 1980 and 1995). They understand the importance of preventative maintenance and seek out solutions to future aging issues NOW. Luckily, there are many of these types of non-invasive treatments available to us.

Baby boomers and older patients on the other hand, need more aggressive treatments, full RE-juvenation, to pry back the hands of time. Generation X (born between 1965 and 1979), their needs are dependent on how they have cared for their skin up until now. Sometimes we see 40 year olds that look 55 and 55 year olds that look 30!

Prevention is always easier, and cheaper, than treatment. This is a concept we here at Accent Aesthetics talk to our patients about constantly. Plus, keeping the skin healthy and youthful with great home care regimens and routine treatments gives the skin the natural look we are seeking.

Some great examples of prejuvenation treatments are:

1. Microdermabrasion/Dermaplane

Excellent exfoliating procedures to remove unwanted dead skin build up. These all time faves smooth and brighten the skin, help decrease breakouts and reduce the appearance of large pores and acne scars. These treatments also allow for better absorption of active skin care products. A great place to start!

2. Hydrafacial

Excellent combination of light physical AND chemical exfoliation with added hydration infusion. Perfect no-downtime, Colorado skin treatment!

3. Chemical Peels

Great for skin that needs some changing, (lighten sundamage, decrease redness, decrease pore size or breakout, soften acne scars, diminish fine lines and wrinkles) without severe or prolonged downtime.

4. Microneedling

Also known as “collagen induction”, microneedling not only treats skin imperfections such as acne scars, fine lines, texture and pore size, it stimulates your body’s own, NEW collagen, keeping it looking younger, smoother and brighter.

5. Laser Genesis:

This non-invasive laser treatment naturally and effectively stimulates new collagen production to fade acne scarring, reduce fine lines and treat diffuse redness.

6. Ultherapy:

The treatment that is going to give you the MOST boost in your collagen production. We call this treatment the “non surgical face lift!” Focused ultrasound reaches depths normally only reached during a surgical procedure. Collagen production at this level gives the skin the most lifting and firming effect available.

Essential, everyday skincare products we recommend for prejuvenation:

1. Non-Soap Cleanser

Soap cleansers tend to have an alkaline pH, drying the skin, oxidizing sebum, which makes blackheads more apparent, and simply wreak havok. A consultation is the best way to find out what is right for your skin and it’s issues.

2. Antioxidant

Topical antioxidants such as a high quality, stable Vitamin C, protect the breakdown of skincells (premature aging) caused by free radicals such as UV rays, pollution etc. They are a building block for collagen production (YAASSS), and they also help to brighten discoloration and reduce inflammation in the skin, creating an even skin tone.

3. SPF

Absolutely THE most important part of preventative skincare! Find one you LOVE and wear it religiously. You will thank me in 10 years!!!

4. Retinol

Vitamin A, promotes cell proliferation, or cell turnover, keeping the surface of the skin free of dead skin build up. This helps with absorption of other ingredients, keeps brown spots from accumulating, keeps oil and dead skincells from congesting pores (acne) and produces collagen in the lower levels of the skin, preventing fine lines, wrinkles and diminishes scarring.

Check Out Revision Skincare

Revision Skincare, one of our top lines, offers everything described above! This is a great way to start on the path of beautiful, healthy skin!

Contact us for a consultation anytime! We’d love to make a skincare plan for the future of your skin.