Understanding the Latest Skincare Trends: What’s Hot Right Now

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, staying updated with the latest skincare trends can make a significant difference in maintaining a radiant and healthy complexion. From innovative treatments to groundbreaking ingredients, the skincare industry is buzzing with exciting advancements. Let’s dive into what’s hot right now and how these trends can benefit your skin.

1. At-Home Devices: Spa-Level Treatments at Your Fingertips

With the rise of advanced at-home skincare devices, achieving spa-like results has never been easier. Tools like LED light therapy masks, microcurrent devices, and dermaplaning tools are gaining popularity for their ability to deliver professional-grade treatments from the comfort of your home. These devices offer a convenient way to enhance your skincare routine, targeting issues such as fine lines, acne, and dullness.

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skincare trends

2. Clean Beauty: The Shift Towards Natural and Organic

The demand for clean beauty products continues to grow as consumers become more conscious of the ingredients they put on their skin. Clean beauty focuses on natural, non-toxic, and sustainably sourced ingredients that are free from harmful chemicals. Brands are increasingly transparent about their formulations, ensuring that their products are both effective and safe for long-term use. Look for labels that highlight organic, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly practices.

3. Personalized Skincare: Tailored to Your Unique Needs

One size does not fit all when it comes to skincare, and personalized skincare solutions are taking the industry by storm. Advances in technology allow for customized formulations based on individual skin types, concerns, and genetic profiles. Services that offer DNA analysis and AI-driven skincare recommendations are becoming more accessible, providing tailored regimens that address specific needs for optimal results. Through advanced diagnostics and customized formulations, our team of licensed professionals can create a skincare regimen that addresses your specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

4. Minimalist Skincare: Less is More

The minimalist skincare trend, also known as “skinimalism,” emphasizes the importance of a simplified routine with fewer, but more effective, products. This approach focuses on the essentials: cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting the skin with high-quality, multifunctional products. By reducing the number of steps in your routine, you can prevent overloading your skin and promote a more balanced, healthy complexion.

5. Sustainable Packaging: Eco-Friendly Choices

Sustainability is a growing concern in the beauty industry, and skincare brands are responding by adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions. From recyclable materials to refillable containers, the move towards sustainable packaging helps reduce environmental impact. When choosing skincare products, look for brands that prioritize sustainability without compromising on the quality and effectiveness of their products.

6. Microbiome Skincare: Balancing the Skin’s Ecosystem

Understanding the skin’s microbiome – the ecosystem of beneficial bacteria living on our skin – is a trend gaining traction in the skincare community. Products formulated to support and balance the microbiome can improve skin health, reduce inflammation, and protect against harmful bacteria. Prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics are key ingredients in microbiome-friendly products that nurture this delicate balance.

7. Blue Light Protection: Shielding Your Skin from Digital Devices

As we spend more time in front of screens, protecting our skin from blue light exposure has become a priority. Blue light, emitted by digital devices, can penetrate the skin and contribute to premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and skin damage. Skincare products that offer blue light protection, often containing antioxidants and broad-spectrum SPF, help shield the skin from these harmful effects.

Keeping Up With The Latest Skincare Trends

Keeping up with the latest skincare trends allows you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine and stay ahead of the curve. Whether you’re incorporating advanced at-home devices, embracing clean beauty, or exploring personalized solutions, these trends offer innovative ways to achieve and maintain healthy, glowing skin. At Accent Aesthetics, we stay at the forefront of these trends, providing the best in skincare technology and products to help you look and feel your best.

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What to Eat for Glowing Skin: The Role of Diet in Skincare

At Accent Aesthetics, we believe that true beauty starts from within. While professional skincare treatments and high-quality products play a vital role in maintaining a healthy complexion, what you eat also significantly impacts your skin’s health and appearance. In this blog, we’ll explore what to eat for glowing skin, the connection between diet and skin health, and recommend foods and supplements that can help you achieve and maintain glowing skin.

The Connection Between Diet and Skin Health

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it reflects your overall health and well-being. Just as a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining your internal organs’ health, it’s equally important for your skin. The foods you consume provide the essential nutrients needed for cell regeneration, collagen production, and protection against environmental damage.

Nutrients Essential for Healthy Skin

Several key nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Vitamin C: This powerful antioxidant is essential for collagen production, which helps keep your skin firm and youthful. It also protects against damage from free radicals and UV exposure. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli.
  2. Vitamin E: Another antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect your skin from oxidative stress and supports cell repair. You can find vitamin E in nuts, seeds, spinach, and avocados.
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These essential fats help maintain the skin’s lipid barrier, keeping it hydrated and reducing inflammation. Omega-3s are found in fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.
  4. Zinc: This mineral is crucial for skin healing and inflammation control. It also helps regulate oil production, making it beneficial for acne-prone skin. Oysters, pumpkin seeds, and legumes are excellent sources of zinc.
  5. Beta-Carotene: This nutrient is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is vital for skin cell production and repair. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens are rich in beta-carotene.

Foods for Glowing Skin

Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet can have a significant impact on your skin’s health. Here are some top foods to include for a radiant complexion.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are packed with antioxidants that help fight free radical damage and keep your skin looking youthful.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and keep your skin moisturized from within.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Avocados: These are high in healthy fats and vitamins E and C, which help keep your skin supple and hydrated.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds are excellent sources of skin-loving nutrients like vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens provide a wealth of vitamins and antioxidants that support overall skin health.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, tomatoes help protect your skin from sun damage and improve its texture.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin

Green Tea: This beverage is loaded with antioxidants, particularly catechins, which help improve skin hydration, elasticity, and protection against sun damage.

Supplements for Skin Health

While a balanced diet is the best way to get your nutrients, supplements can also help fill any gaps. Here are some supplements that can support your skin health:

  1. Collagen Peptides: Collagen supplements can help improve skin elasticity, hydration, and reduce wrinkles.
  2. Probiotics: These support gut health, which is closely linked to skin health. A healthy gut can help reduce inflammation and improve skin conditions like acne and eczema.
  3. Biotin: Also known as vitamin B7, biotin supports healthy skin, hair, and nails.
  4. Vitamin D: Essential for overall health, vitamin D also supports skin cell growth and repair. Many people are deficient in this vitamin, especially in the winter months.

Hydration: The Key to Glowing Skin

Staying hydrated is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your skin looking its best. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins, keeps your skin cells hydrated, and maintains skin elasticity. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, and consider incorporating hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and celery into your diet.

Achieve Glowing Skin

At Accent Aesthetics, we understand that achieving glowing skin requires a holistic approach. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods and essential supplements into your diet, you can enhance your skincare routine and promote overall skin health. Remember, beauty starts from within, so nourish your body with the right foods and hydration to reveal your most radiant skin. For personalized skincare advice and treatments, visit us at Accent Aesthetics and let our experts help you achieve your skincare goals.

what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin, what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin, what to eat for glowing skin, foods for glowing skin


medical grade skincare,  cosmeceutical skincare

A solid skincare routine is a must in the quest for healthy, youthful skin. But when it comes to sifting through the myriad of different skincare products available today, there’s everything from your run-of-the-mill over-the-counter drugstore products to medical grade skincare, which stand in a league all of their own.

Medical grade skincare brands are growing year by year. As more attention is placed on this category of supercharged skincare replete with quality active ingredients, the conversation surrounding them widens. If you’re interested in dipping your toe into the medical grade skincare pool and what to know what makes them superior to other grades of skincare, consider this your ultimate guide to the best medical grade skincare options and everything you need to know.

Understanding Medical Grade Skincare

Medical grade skincare stands apart from other skincare products. Sometimes classified as cosmeceutical skincare, this more concentrated and scientifically backed skincare is designed to address a specific skincare need or issue, including pigmentation, wrinkles, acne, or laxity. Medical grade skincare contains far more advanced delivery systems and a much higher concentration of active ingredients, like peptides, antioxidants, and retinol, compared to over-the-counter skincare, making for more dramatic and visible effects and results in a faster period while improving both the aesthetic and medical benefits of the skin.

When selecting the best medical-grade skincare products for your skin, it’s important to pick dermatologist-approved and endorsed ones. Skincare products that boast a dermatologist’s seal of approval are of higher quality, have been put through a far more rigorous testing process, and often are accompanied by clinical data, too. Plus, medical grade skincare products that dermatologists recommend and sell meet their high expectations and criteria for what makes a skincare product excellent.

Although medical grade skincare may be superior to what’s available on drugstore shelves, their accessibility is far more limited. Most medical-grade skincare products are only available through a dermatologist, medi-spa, or licensed retail website, so always make sure you are buying your products through an authorized retailer.

Key Features of Medical-Grade Skincare

medical grade skincare, cosmeceutical skincare

Several features allow for medical grade skincare to stand on its own. For starters, medical grade skincare companies can source highly stabilized active ingredients that won’t break down or degrade as fast as other skincare ingredients. They are also formulated using advanced technologies to penetrate deeper and faster into the skin for better results without causing irritations or sensitivities.

Medical-grade skincare products may be more expensive than their less concentrated counterparts. However, that’s simply because the active ingredients, such as peptides, antioxidants, exfoliating acids, and retinol, are of a higher quality with clinical evidence. Most

dermatologists also find medical-grade skincare more effective than over-the-counter products. Some medical grade skincare products are even recommended to be used alongside in-office treatments and procedures to amplify and maintain the results.

Expert Tips for Optimal Results

Medical-grade skincare comes with more concentrated ingredients, so following your dermatologist’s instructions and never abusing these skincare products is essential. Since some of the best medical grade skincare products employ exfoliating acids, which help with skin texture, unwanted pigmentation, and even acne, it’s crucial to slowly introduce these products into your current skincare routine and use them every few days until you can work your way up to daily use to limit breakouts, skin purging, redness, dryness, and sensitivities.

Should any adverse skin effects occur, it’s best to reevaluate your skincare routine and see if any other products may be causing a negative interaction. If not, consult with your dermatologist and their team of professionals. 

While most skin types can benefit from medical grade skincare, some may find the more potent concentration of active ingredients too much for their skin, causing intolerance. To make sure a medical grade skincare product is a good fit for your skin, always consult your dermatologist or their aestheticians first.

It’s important always to follow the directions when using medical grade skincare brands and not overdo it. Consistency and patience with a medical-grade skincare routine are key to making the most of the products. But that also means not overdoing it or using more than the recommended dose.

New Year, New Skincare Resolutions!

skincare resolutions

2024 Skincare Resolutions

I personally don’t like to make New Years Resolutions, feels like too much pressure. But when it comes to healthy, beautiful skin sometimes we need some guidance. So we’ve compiled a VERY FEW things you can do this year to make life easier but get some results!

1: Simplify your skincare routine

I know skincare is a hot trend right now, and I love that. But a lot of people are using way too many products due to so many being the trendy thing to try. If you are applying 5/6/7 products at one time, ask yourself, how much are these actually absorbing? You are most likely wasting your time and your money. Use 1-3 products that you love and are medical grade and corrective. For example:

Morning Routine:

Cleanse: IF not extremely dry. If you are like a lot of our Colorado clients and extremely dry, it is best to skip cleanser in the morning or use a creamy cleanser. You do not need to spend a lot of $ on a cleanser, it is on the skin for about 15-30 seconds. Use something basic and affordable such as Cetaphil or Cerave. Save your $ for the corrective products.

Antioxidant: This is a product you want to spend your $ on. Topical antioxidants fight free radical damage such as UV radiation, pollution, etc. all of which breakdown your skins’ barrier function and collagen and also create sundamage in the form of reds and brown spots in the skin. A high quality antioxidant will most likely contain Vitamin C. Not all Vitamin C’s are created equal, you want to look for THD, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate. This is the most advanced form of Vitamin C.

Moisturizer: If your skin requires extra moisture after your antioxidant then apply. You don’t need to spend a lot on this product either as you have already put the correcting product on.

SPF: Apply your SPF last and use something you love. With all the choices out there these days, it’s very easy. Make sure to reapply mid day.

Nighttime Routine:

Cleanse: I always recommend a double cleanse especially when wearing sunscreen and makeup. This insures a clean, fresh slate for your very important correctives to absorb and work properly.

Retinol or Retinoid: These Vitamin A derivatives are the single most important part of anyone’s skincare routine aside from SPF! Retinoids are most likely prescribed from a doctor and tend to be more aggressive but definitly work. Retinols are mostly over the counter, but come in a variety of strengths and tend to be more time released so they are tolerated well by the skin and therefore can be used more consistently.

Moisturizer: A simple moisturizer will seal in water and prevent water loss. The corrective ingredient is on the skin so your moisturizer doesn’t need to be fancy.

2: Get consistent with professional treatments

Monthly treatments don’t have to break the bank. We offer several membership options to make it easy to be consistent. Treating your skin monthly with either a microdermabrasion, chemical peel, hydrafacial, dermaplane etc. allows us to stay on top of any skin concerns you have and improve them. Consistent exfoliation, extractions and collagen stimulation gets the skin in shape and keeps it there. Think of us as the gym for your skin!

3: Practice better sun prevention

Sunscreen can only protect your skin so much. Here in this Colorado elevation we absorb SO much more UV rays than those at sea level. In order to really prevent sundamage you need to apply spf every 2 hours when outdoors and wear a wide brimmed hat to keep the rays off your face as much as possible. A lightweight neck gator like the ones used for fishing are a great idea to prevent redness, brown spots and wrinkles on your neck and chest.

Simplify your skincare in 2024

Consider a simplified approach to skincare in 2024. Focus on quality rather than quantity, streamlining your routine to include essential steps like cleansing, a high-quality antioxidant with Vitamin C, moisturizer if needed, and reliable sunscreen. Consistency is key, both in your daily regimen and regular professional treatments. With a commitment to sun prevention, including frequent sunscreen application and protective accessories in sun-exposed areas like Colorado, you can look forward to healthier and more radiant skin without the burden of excessive skincare rituals.

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Best Sun Damaged Skin Treatments When You Live in Colorado

As we finally say goodbye to summer in Colorado (you can never know when), it’s the perfect time to address all of the glorious sunshine that has accumulated on our faces, necks, chest, hands and arms. These are some of our favorite sun damaged skin treatments to get your skin looking healthy, smooth, even and bright!

sun damaged skin treatment

Chemical Peels:

Peels are one of the easiest and most cost effective treatments you can do. Here at Accent Aesthetics, we offer many different types of peels from light to deep. We can custom blend them to treat all kinds of issues: acne, scarring, hyperpigmetation and sun damage and texture issues such as fine lines, crepiness and wrinkles.  Social downtime (redness, dryness, peeling and flaking) ranges depending on the peel we choose. But most often it is anywhere from 1-5 days. A small price to pay for skin that is more even toned and smooth and all around healthier.


Intense Pulse Light. Such a great, tried and true technology. The light sees the melanin (pigment) in the brow spots and the hemoglobin in the red vasculature of the skin. Most sundamage is a mixture of these 2. Our IPL device is amazing at targeting and shutting down these issues.

Social downtime can range anywhere from 2-7 days and generally appears as redness and mild swelling then coffee ground scabbing which literally looks like tiny little coffee grounds where the browns are. These fall off within a few days to reveal noticably more even skin! The IPL does produce collagen and kill bacteria due to the thermal technology but we really use it as a color correcting treatment. But the reduction of acne and improvement in skintone is a nice side effect.


The clear choice if dryness is your main concern.  We’re convinced this was created for Colorado skin! This relaxing treatment uses varying degrees of physical and chemical exfoliation combined with hydrating peptides, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. The exfoliation removes built up dead skin, allowing hydrating moisturizers and serums to absorb better. The alpha hydroxy acids brighten stubborn pigmentation and loosen clogged pores. There is no downtime with HydraFacials and they can be done right before an event for a beautiful glow!


AdvaTx combines 2 lasers in 1 treatment for full dermal health. The more superficial wavelength is similar to that of the IPL, focusing on breaking up the reds and browns in the skin, but delivered in a different way, allowing for less trauma to the skin. The second, longer wavelenth focuses on bulk heating deep in the dermis to stimulate collagen reducing unwanted textures such as fine lines and large pores. It also helps shrink oil glands that can cause acne and lesions such as sebacous hyperplasia. There is little to no downtime with AdvaTx, and you leave the office looking smooth and refreshed!

Call or go online to book a consultation!



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Colorado Fall Skincare Tips

It’s getting cooler, and DRYER!

If you’ve lived here forever or even for just a little while, you know the change of seasons here in Colorado can be extreme. It’s 96 degrees and sunny one day, 29 degrees and snowing the next. Welcome to Fall in Colorado! It comes in quick!

These changes often wreak havoc on your skin. But luckily there are a few fall skincare tips and simple changes you can make to your skincare routine that will ease your skin in without any issues!

Fall Skincare Tip #1: Switch up your cleanser

fall skincare

This is an easy and inexpensive way to help your skin adjust to the seasons. If your using a foaming cleanser with anti-acne properties such as Salicylic Acid or Benzoyle Peroxide, start using a more gentle, foaming, fruit enzyme cleanser such as Revision Papaya Enzyme Cleanser. This cleanser uses Papain, a fruit enzyme derived from papaya, to gently polish away dead surface cells and keep pores clear without stripping the skin’s natural moisture. It also delivers vitamins and minerals to the skin helping brighten it up after the harsh, sunny summer. (And it smells divine!)

Fall Skincare Tip #2: Swith up your nightly retinol

We LOVE our retinols, they do so many important things. Create new collagen, hold on to the collagen we have and increase cell turnover, all things that create and maintain healthy, youthful skin. But higher concentrations can be drying, especially this time of year. It’s ok to use something lighter if it means you can use it consistently through the season. Our fave is Revision Skincare’s  DEJ Night Face Cream. It’s a low strength retinol combined with their anti-aging/anti-redness moisturizer. You can use it every night without irritation or dryness. An Accent Aesthetics MUST HAVE!

fall skincare


fall skincare

We feel like this product was made just for us here in Colorado! It goes on after your nightly products such as retinol and sooths and hydrates all night long.You wake up soft and glowing! And it may be the best thing you’ll ever smell!

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