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What To Expect at A Neurotox Appointment

Wondering what to expect at your next neurotox appointment?


First, we will discuss which product you want to use factoring in price, look/feel, onset time, etc. Next, we will take before pictures to help track your progress. Then, we will go over the consent and have you sign it. Finally, I’ll take a look at your movement to help determine how many units are needed per spot. Then we ice, and inject!

The biggest thing to remember is that just because a number of units worked for you one time does not mean that same number will work again. Multiple studies have been done showing that dose = duration, meaning the higher dose we use, the longer the product will last. Results can last anywhere from 3-5 months.

Knowing the average number of units used per treatment site can help give you an idea of pricing beforehand, but just know that everyone is different and these numbers are not hard and fast rules. Here’s a few averages for the most common areas: “11s” need anywhere from 10-30 units, the forehead needs 10-30 units, and crow’s feet need 4-15 units per side. Remember that Dysport is dosed a little differently than Botox and Jeuveau, but it roughly comes out to 2-3x the number of Botox units.

Have any other questions about neurotoxins or other injectables?

Schedule a consult so we can find the perfect dose for you!

neurotox neurotox neurotoxins

Best Kept Secrets to Reduce Wrinkles

reduce wrinkles

Neurotoxins aka: neuromodulators, such as Botox, Dysport and Jeuveau are wonderful, magical treatments to prevent and reduce wrinkles. But it’s important to know that every person who foregoes treatment to reduce wrinkles can have very different results. No neuromodulator is exactly the same just as no person who receives it is the same. And results can differ at each treatment. Let’s discuss some factors that may effect your wrinkle reducer results:

1. The Size and Depth of Your Wrinkles

If you’ve had your wrinkles for years to decades, chances are they are deeper or “thicker scowls”. These will probably require more product to correct than fine lines as they are bulkier muscles. This is one of the reasons we recommend starting neurotox treatment when your wrinkles are just appearing when at rest. Fine lines and wrinkles do not generally require as much product.

2. The Area Being Treated

Results in the forehead and between the eyebrows generally last the longest.

3. Your Facial Expressions

Some people, (looking at myself) show every emotion on their face. Some people, (also me) always have a furrowed brow even when not angry, upset etc. Smiling and laughing a lot will also get those lines setting in quicker although we do recommend that! I distinctly remember seeing crow’s feet starting about 6 months after my son was born, just smiling at him all the time. Totally worth it, but it happens!

4. Your Activity Level

This is a huge factor here in Colorado, the land of over-active outdoor enthusiasts! Neuromodulators tends to wear off faster if you are consistently raising your heart rate for long periods of time. Again, we recommend this along with smiling and laughing a lot so it’s just one of things you deal with.

5. Your Personal Metabolism

Your unique body chemistry will process neurotoxin on it’s own time frame. For most people, the effects last 3-4 months.

6. Frequency of Treatment

Our personal opinion with these treatments are: space them out AT LEAST 3-4 months. We strongly feel that when clients get neurotoxin too soon, or before 3 months, the body builds up antibodies to the product and the results dwindle dramatically. It’s easy to get “addicted” to the smooth, wrinkle-less look, but trust me, getting it too soon will not pay off in the end.

7. The Skill and Accuracy of Your Injector

There’s a reason the best injectors are booked out weeks to months. They know that not every face is the same. They assess the clients unique anatomy and inject accordingly.

If neuromodulators are something you are curious about, schedule a consultation with one of our amazing injectors!

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Essential Pre-Wedding Skincare: Tips to Get That Gorgeous Bridal Glow!

So many people dream of that special day. And 100% of the time, that dream includes gorgeous, glowing skin.

Just like a wedding, beautiful skin takes planning and patience. We love working with Dermatologists because together we can address serious issues such as cystic acne, rosacea, melasma and scarring. And if you’re already starting with non-problematic skin we can keep it that way and get it looking even better!

Here are our pre-wedding skincare recommendations for achieving the skin you want on your BIG day!

Pre-Wedding Skincare Recs:

#1: Come in for a professional consultation

This is the first place any bride or groom should start on their journey to gorgeous skin. Ideally this would happen 6-12 months before the wedding date. Skin issues can be stubborn and take time to remedy. The sooner we start, the more relaxed the process will be. We can address all of your skin concerns, set up a scheduled timeline of treatments and start you on a premium skincare regime at home.

If you’re considering injectables for dark circles, wrinkles or to add volume to the face, start sooner than later. A good injector will need time to see what and how much of a product works.

#2: Stay consistent with your skincare regime

A consistent morning and evening skincare regime is what will give you long term results. Many home-care products work better over time, so you must be diligent and consistent! While these products are often medical-grade and very active, they are going on the skin and take time to penetrate and achieve desired results. This is also why it’s important to start this journey early on so we can see what works and what doesn’t in your home-care regime.

#3: Set up a skincare treatment plan and stick to it

Together we will create a timeline of treatments best suited to your needs. Every person is different and has different issues to address. If your concern is acne, you may need to have an exfoliating and extracting treatment done every 2-6 weeks to get it under control.

If Laser Hair Removal is at the top of your priority list, it’s important to start 6 months to 1 year before the big day, depending on the area being treated.

Other skin concerns require monthly or every other month treatments.

A month or 2 before your wedding, we will really “fine tune” your skincare plan, making sure you look your absolute best!  Laser Genesis gives the skin a beautiful rosy glow right before the special event. HydraFacial can plump and hydrate the skin a few days before and AquaGold gives a luxurious “Red Carpet” luminous, finishing touch to skin about a week before the big day.

#4: Don’t neglect your neck, decollete’ and back

Chances are you’ll be wearing something that will highlight one or all of these areas. The skin in these areas can be different from the skin on your face and require different treatment. Talk to your Aesthetician about your vision and your planned attire. We offer many treatments for these often neglected areas. Together we can make you glow from head to toe!

#5: Get your mind and body right!

It’s important to FEEL your best, so let’s talk about stress reduction, healthy diet and water intake. All of these things are important to not only get your skin looking it’s healthiest but to ensure you’re keeping it that way.

Planning a wedding is in the TOP 5 most stressful situations a person can go through, next to moving and death! WOW!

To avoid a complete breakdown, sleep, nutrition and a healthy diet will be a lifesaver and assure your skin is in tip top shape.

Working in western medicine, there truly are no conclusive studies linking nutrition and skin conditions, BUT I think we all know in our hearts and minds that what we put in our bodies shows up on our skin. So through this journey we will discuss what may be effecting certain skin issues and start the process of elimination.

#6: Go with the best makeup artist:

If your looking for an amazing Colorado Makeup artist, I’m linking one here: antlersandrose.com

Brook at Antlers and Rose’ is an amazing makeup artist based out of Vail, Colorado. She is also an amazing stylist, lifestyle blogger, wife, mother and human! Check out her website and all of the services she has to offer. She is simply the best!

pre-wedding skincare

pre-wedding skincare pre-wedding skincare pre-wedding skincare pre-wedding skincare pre-wedding skincare pre-wedding skincare

Beyond Botox….

I think by now we all know there is no miracle in a bottle, and botox has been the closest thing we have seen to astonishing results with minimal side effects.


However, optimum skin health goes beyond botox.  It is similar to the health of our bodies- to be optimally healthy you have to work on several factors- diet, cardio and strength training.  Having youthful healthy skin is much the same. IF you only do botox, you are only addressing one aspect of what takes place as we age. The aging face is multifactorial and thus your anti-aging treatments should be so as well. Bone loss, descent of fat pads, skin texture changes, dermal thinning and photodamage all contribute.  When you work with a dermatologist and their staff, you are offered non-invasive treatment options to address these different aspects of aging.


Technology advancements in the field of cosmeceuticals has brought us amazing topical skin care products.  I recently attended a conference where a scientist was reviewing various ingredients/ peptides and said to conduct the research, develop best formulations and then bring those highly active ingredients to market costs money!  If you are getting a Vitmain C serum on Amazon for under a certain price point- do not expect much change to your skin.  Even when we find highly effective products it is good to change your regimen every so often.  We do not like to use growth-hormone products long term and not every person can tolerate tretinoin.  So partner with someone who can help you achieve your best! Last but not least- healthy inside will reflect healthy outside- clean eating, restful sleep, adequate water intake, physical exercise…..and wear an SPF 30 on your face daily!


I always tell patients our goal is find the treatments that will give the most bang for the buck and find the balance between a treatment that is highly effective while still being safe.  You want to partner with a skincare expert who attends educational events, stays up on current trends, has access to multiple modalities to use and works alongside a Board-Certified Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon to minimize unwanted side effects.  Look for someone who will be candid, give realistic expectations and instead of trying to sell you something- will give you both short term as well as long –term goals for your skin.


Written by Kerri Zukosky, PA-C